About POCUS 101
POCUS 101 is dedicated to helping users like you, from any specialty, learn Point of Care Ultrasound in the EASIEST way possible.
Our Mission at POCUS 101 is simple: to create User-Centered Content that allows YOU to start using Point of Care Ultrasound right away!
As creators of POCUS 101, we are fellowship-trained in Point of Care Ultrasound and have taught thousands of students from all backgrounds including medical students, nurses, and physicians from all specialties.
After teaching so many types of learners we started seeing common themes on the best ways to teach Point of Care Ultrasound and would like to share them with you at POCUS 101.
If you have something to share consider writing a Guest Post on POCUS 101!

POCUS 101 Founder/Editor
- Professor of Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Critical Care
- Ultrasound Director and Fellowship Director at an Academic Hospital
- Fellowship Trained in Point of Care Ultrasound, Critical Care Medicine, and Transesophageal Echocardiography – Advanced PTEeXAM (NBE Diplomate).
- RDMS and RDCS Certified in Abdominal, OB/Gyn, and Echocardiography through ARDMS and APCA.
- Over 20 POCUS Publications and Editor of an Ultrasound Textbook.
- Thousands of Hours of Point of Care Ultrasound Hands-on Teaching Experience at National, Regional, and Local Conferences.
Have a question? Feel free to contact me: Editor@Pocus101.com
Thank you so much for the initiative!
Thanks Lauana! Appreciate the kind words and the support.
Hi! I am a cardiac anesthesiologist and echo/POCUS enthusiast at Emory, where I do and teach POCUS and echo everyday. I just want to say your site looks great, thanks for creating this top notch content!
Oh thank you so much! Do you know Elrond Teo? He is one of my good friends. I believe he used to be at Emory doing cardiac anesthesia. Thanks for the kind words and appreciate the support. -Vi
Yes! I know E! He trained me during my fellowship and I also count him as a friend! Brilliant guy 🙂
Small world 🙂 If you see him make sure to say hi from me! Also good luck with all the POCUS education efforts.
unbelievable resource. You truly are a gifted person. I am a 25 year ER doctor an have used US but very limited and Do you have a recommendation for personal starter Ultrasound machine? Used or new? I don’t see anything on your website. Some ER’s do not have ultrasound machines that are available.
Hi Eric! Thanks for the kind words. If you are on a budget the butterfly ultrasound probe is a good choice!. For cart-based system there are many options including sonosite, GE venue, or philips sparq. Just depends on your budget and what setting you will be using it in. Thanks! – Vi
I found a sonosite 180 with 4 probes, military style carrying case for $2500 on ebay and shipped it to the port agent in Port Canaveral. I am currently working as a Cruise ship doctor and diagnostic on the high seas is a must. We have xray, ekg and I stat and urine dips. This is just not enough. This is a job that forces you to look at about everything with an Ultrasound. You start off with the easy stuff like GB and kidneys and before you know it I am looking for descending aorta with a posterior lateral… Read more »
Thats great to hear Eric! Glad you got it for only $2500 I’m sure it will help so much on being a cruise ship doc 🙂 Maybe I’ll see you on a cruise someday and you can do a POCUS exam on me! Best of luck and thanks for the update. – Vi
Hi Professor Vi Dinh, I found your first post yesterday while searching for the differences between impedance and attenuation. Your post helped me to understand the whole picture. Thank you so much.
More than that, after I saw your names – I am more proud of you now. I came from Vietnam and started to learn about sonography about three months ago. Your talents, skills, and knowledge will be the big motivation for me.
Thank you for being successful!
Thanks again Helen!! Yes impedance and attenuation can get confusing!! And thanks for the appreciation of our Vietnamese heritage as well 🙂 best of luck on your ultrasound journey!!
Thank you so much anh <3
Yes absolutely! Thank you for the kind words Tung.
Can’t thank you enough for this website. I can’t express how easy and constrictive it is. Really you deserve all the best for creating this site.
Thank you Sarah! Appreciate the kind words and glad you are finding it useful!
Greetings, I absolutely love this website and think this is easily among the best POCUS resources available out there.
If I wanted to use some of the contents in this website for an e learning tool I am creating on point of care echocardiogram, while obviously referencing your website, would that be okay?
Hi Latif. Thanks for the comment! Use would depend on what exactly it will be used for and what type of e-learning tool. Feel free to shoot me an email about specifics (editor@Vi Dinh.com). Thanks!
Thanks Dr. Vi Dinh. I have emailed you about the specifics to the email address editor@Vi Dinh.com. Awaiting your response, 🙂
Slight correction, I have emailed you about the specifics to the email address editor @ pocus101. com.
There is a login tab
but I cannot find register tab
how can I register, please?
Hi you can go to https://courses.pocus101.com to register!
Do you give training on using Echo to measure Cardiac Output. I am interested in adding this to the care of my dialysis patient . Please contact me
Hi Leroy. Yes we have a cardiac output post that you can find here: https://www.pocus101.com/measuring-cardiac-output-with-echocardiography-made-easy/
Is it possible to speak to you about this course. I am interested in obtaining POCUS cardiac outputs in my dialysis patients
Thank you so much for your publications and explanations. it is very helpful.
Thanks Natalia. Glad it has been helpful for you 🙂